Sunday, May 06, 2007

Why blog? why write?

At last week's Curriculum, Teaching & Student Support Conference at the OU there were reports from people who are investigating the use of blogs as learning tools. It seems an area ripe for research though I worry that some are saying "we've got a tool; how can we use it?" in the way that they say, "we've got a hammer; what can we hit?"

However, I agree with Miranda who wrote,

"it’s like I have a running commentary in my head that just goes on and on, and it’s so abstract that writing is like the only way to make sense of what’s happening. Some days I write over fifteen pages straight, and still have no idea of what I’m trying to say, just that I haven’t said it yet."

She is right; writing reflectively is what helps to make sense of what's in my head though I can't say that I'd write 'over fifteen pages straight'. I'm surprised how much I do write if I make the tiniest effort. And there's something about blogging that is better than writing a diary. There is this possibility that someone will read it because you do publish it in the hopes that there might be someone who wants to comment, so it's more than just reflective. And I also find it useful to go back to when I get to certain points in my study. Thoughts I had had come in useful later.

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